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D. R. Lock Restoration and Repair UK
Specialist key making, restoration, repair and manufacture for antique safe and vault locks, door locks, furniture locks etc. We cater for private customers, heritage organisations, discerning collectors, enthusiasts etc. We repair and restore most locks and keys and specialise in full bespoke manufacturing solutions.
Danny B.A. T.D. (Hons)
Master Locksmith
Tel: +44(0) 7532299829
9:00am - 6:00pm GB time Monday to Saturday
Newcastle Upon Tyne
We give free estimates. Please provide as much information as possible when describing your item to allow us to establish an understanding of its condition and the work involved. Please get in touch via our contact form below for initial query. Once we have replied, you will then be able to send us any photographs of your item via email attachments.
* We will keep our estimates as realistic as possible. Alternatively if you would prefer not to email photos of the item, we will happily give a postal address if you wish to post locks to us for a price estimate on inspection.
+ Photographs are highly recommended for more accurate price estimates. We will use them to establish the work involved and the general condition of the item. Please get in touch via the contact form below for initial query.
Thank you.